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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-22 字体: [ ]

1. Basic knowledge about the essay
A complete essay consists of introduction, main supporting paragraphs and conclusion.
a) One has to employ several main supporting paragraphs to discuss the thesis in different aspects
b) Introduction should be attractive. It is rather dull to begin an essay 
always saying "I strongly agree/disagree..." 我发觉很多文章都是这样开头的,没新意。One has to use various ways to attact the reader's attention.
i. Broad statement. Begin with a broad, general statement of your topic and narrow it down to your thesis statement.
ii. Contrast. This approach will surpise your readers and make them intrigued
iii. Relevance. Explain the importance of your topic.
iv. Anecdote. Use an incident or brief story.
v. Questions. Ask your readers one or more questions.
vi. Quotations. 

2. Unity (偏题的问题最大了)
a) What is unity? Oneness in idea.
b) What are the linguistic devices that contribute to the unity?
They are top sentences, repetition, direct/indirect restatement of the controlling idea and reference

3. Coherence
Cohesive ties: Repetition, ellipsis, reference, substitution, transitional expressions

4. Syntax, Diction and Style (个人认为这部分很重要)
a) Avoid slangy stuff and cliches don’t use “guys”, “kids”, or “dazed me out” be even more cautious about using slang like “that yucky dessert really grossed me out”
b) Help wipe out “formal speak”: A formal style need not mean flowery, wordy, or pretentious.
inasmuch = because
at this point in time = now
in the not-too-distant future = soon
due to the fact that = because
in reference to = about
aware of the fact that = know
be in a position to/have the ability to = can
c) Avoid redundancy
past memory ( Aren’t all memories past?)
deliberate lie ( Can one tell an “accidental lie?”)
few and far between
enclosed inside
each and every
full and complete
personally I think
total capacity
hopes and desires
fuchsia in color
from that moment in time
d) There is no need to repeat the same tired verbs.
Here’s a negative example (有些人专门借此卖弄一番,但是效果适得其反)
Please do not annoy, torment, pester, plague, molest, worry, badger, harry, harass, heckle, persecute, irk, bullyrag, vex, disquiet, grate, beset, bother, tease, nettle, tantalize, or ruffle the animals.
San Diego Zoo
San Diego Wild Animal Park
e) Prioritizing dejargonization 专业术语并不显示你知识渊博,相反会使阅卷人不爽
d) Avoiding sexist language 性别和种族歧视不能体现在文中,最好多用复数

5. Writing process: prewriting/invention, Drafting, Revising and editing (鉴于很多人不知怎么落笔,我在此只讲怎么构思)
ways of prewriting:
a) Free writing
Writing as quickly as you can, just let the ideas flow from your brain onto your paper. Do not stop to erase or to search for exactly the right phrase.
Freewriting lets you discover what you have to say about a subject without worrying about spelling. Organization, or syntax.
b) Clustering. 
On paper, cluster words or phrases around your broad topic to narrow it down. After considering all of your ideas, clump on, or choos, your final topic choice.
c) Brainstorming. 
Brainstorming means jotting down all of the short phrases that come to mind about a particular topic.
d) Doing a scratch outline. ( 注意提纲的英文是outline, 不是syllabus)

6. Things about the argument. (It is actually the issue part in GRE)
a) Exploring ways to support a claim
i. Facts
ii. Statistics
iii. Comparisons
iv. Anecdotes and scenarios
b) Some pitfalls to avoid in an argument(issue常见错误一览)
i. Picking a tpic that really arouses your interset and gives you a chance to use your own experiences as one major weapon.
ii. Failing to make your thesis, or claim, clear to your readers, preferably by stating that thesis early in the essay.
iii. Writing an argument paper “off the top of your head”; your lack of forethought and preparation usually shows.
iv. Choosing a topic such as global warming that is too broad and complex to be adequately covered in a brief-argumentative paper.
v. Choosing topics that are discussed all too frequently.
vi. Soaring off into the blue. Stay with your topic and avoid introducing extraneous material that does not advance your essay and may confuse your reader.
vii. Losing sight of your audience. Remember that your purpose is to sell your readers on your ideas, or at least get them to pay serious attention to what you have to say.
viii. Failing to respect your audience. No one wants to be pressured into accepting another person’s views. Don’t write like you have the absolute truth on a subject and that no reasonable person could possibly hold another about it; take a balanced view and use a reasonable tone.
ix. Alienating some readers by using blanket generalizations. Your readers are looing for a well-reasoned argument, not a harangue from a wobbly soapbox. Too much passion is alomost as bad as none at all.
x. Preaching to the converted. Almost everyone would agree, for instance, that American high schools could use many improvements, and a large share of your readers could probably come up with a fairly standard list of suggestions on that topic. If you do not have something specific to say on a subject, choose another one.
xi. Sounding as if there are simple solutions to complex problems; if there were, someone else would have tried them long ago.
xii. Forgetting to adequately “cue” your readers regularly during the course of an arguments. Using transition words and sentences to signal your readers that you are moving from one part of your topic to another. Include necessary explanations during the course of your journey, and do not assume the reader knows all of the details.
xiii. Mentioning counterarguments to your thesis without refuting them adequately. Otherwise you run the risk of convincing your readers of the opposite viewpoint.
xiv. Failing to include and clearly cite the sources of statistics, debatable statements, or supportive information from outside authorities. 
(GRE中不一定能遇到,但是这点是美国人最忌讳的!倘若真的有机会到美国去读书,写research paper必不可少,所以必须要注意 plagiarism的问题)

7.个人意见, 想锻炼写作能力,我认为平时一定要多写!比如每天用英文写日记,随便怎么写,但是最好能强迫自己多写一点,写得深一点。在AW考试前ETS会让你做个调查问卷,有一道题就是问你“在最近两年里写过几篇超过1200字的长文章?”恐怕很多人1篇都没有。另外,写完之后要么给老师改,要么做peer editing。

1. MLA Handbook 谁写的忘了
2.《英语写作手册》 "handbook of writing" by 丁往道, 吴冰,钟美莉 北京教育出版社


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