Version 99 TASK 2: Shopping has became a favorite pastime for many young people today. 解释这一现象. Do you encourage the young people to do something be useful in the free time? What is your reason? And for example. 不鼓励:1)只工作不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。 2)人的本质-爱美之心人皆有之。 3)社会进步的表现。 --------------------------------------------------- Version 100 Task2:Some people believe that the bicycle is best way to travel from one place to the other. You talk about the advantage and disadvantages of the bicycle 利:1)无污染。2)省时间。3)可以锻炼身体。 弊:1)时间长会累。2)天气不好时行车困难。3)有时危险。 -------------------------------------------------- Version 101 Task2: The education used to be a period of training, but today, people more commonly look it as a long for future to young. Do you agree or disagree? give your reasons 过去人们认为education只是面向年轻人的,现在普遍认为education是一个毕生的过程,你同意吗?说明你的理由并用你的经验或者实例加以说明。 同意:1)活到老学到老。 2)社会发展的需要。 3)为了保住饭碗。 --------------------------------------------------- Version 102 Task: 2 What is your opinion about taking a part-time job for high school or university students? Give your reasons and some examples about own experience 同意:1)拓宽视野,增加社会经验。 2)减轻家庭负担。 3)丰富自己的课余生活。 --------------------------------------------------- Version 103 Task2: Do you agree or disagree that people now spend much more money and time on their appearance and pay more attention to how they look than before. Give reasons and use examples with your experience. 同意:1)爱美是人类天性,爱美之心人皆有之。 2)社会进步的体现。 3)对人际交往的尊重。 --------------------------------------------------- Version 104 Task2 : Many companies provide high salaries, good health care and other benefits to the staff. What do you think about it? How does a company properly make use of the above policies to please the staff to work? 好处:1)稳定员工工作情绪;2)挽留人才;3)鼓励员工竞争 方法:因人而异。 ---------------------------------------------------- Version 105 Task2: Modern technology makes people more free time, but actually they find they more busier .how far agree or disagree this statement give the reason with your experience 不同意:1)繁重,危险的工作由机械完成。 2)飞机更稳,火车更快,轮船更大。 3)妇女从繁重的家务劳动中被解放。 ---------------------------------------------------- Version 106 Task2: Nowadays, international tourism affects our environment and local history. should we reduce foreign tourists? agree or disagree Task2: 现在由于 international tourism 对环境和 local history 有了不好的影响,是不是应该减少。你同意还是不同意。适当的时候用自己的经历加以说明。 同意减少:1)破坏大自然的安静与和谐。 2)引起当地文化与外来文化的冲突。 --------------------------------------------------- Version 107 task2: many different people have their own hobbies with different interest, such as stamp collecting. discuss why and how they have different hobbies and how they can learn from them. 1)父母影响。 2)环境影响。 3)学到历史知识,了解文化背景,陶冶情操。 --------------------------------------------------- Version 108 Task2:问结婚晚和结婚早都有什么好处,注意问得是两种现像的好处,只有advanages,不要求写disadvanages。 结婚晚的好处:1)思想更成熟,有时间学习更多的知识。 2)先有事业后有家,可以垫定比较坚实的家庭经济基础。 3)响应国家号召,宝宝更聪明。 结婚早的好处:1)有经历照顾小孩,父母的身体健康,也可以帮忙。 2)缓解人口危机。(西方社会及一些大城市,人口出现老龄化和负增长) 3)能够享受四世或者五世同堂的天伦之乐。 -------------------------------------------------- Version 109(没写) the local government invest moneny on building sth for attracting the tourist, do you agree or not? 同意:1)吸引更多的游客来参观,增加城市收入(景点,商店,饭店,旅店) 2)一个美丽的城市还可以吸引外资 --------------------------------------------------- Version 110 (没写) Task2: Some companies changing responsibility/job regularly, others keep same job. which is advantage, and which you prefer, write the reason and for example of your experience 换工作更好些:1)使员工更多的掌握工作技能,为企业服务。 2)了解其他岗位的困难,增加团队合作。 3)节省企业资金。(一份工资会干好几个人的工作) --------------------------------------------------- Version 111 Task2: School children are currently doing extra studies after school. What is your opinion on it? What are the positive and negative effects? 关于学生在休息时间做额外学习的正反面影响。 正面影响:学习更多有用知识,为将来打基础,否则会被社会淘汰。 付面影响:只工作不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。对身体有害,付面效应。 --------------------------------------------------- Version 112 same to v116 --------------------------------------------------- Version 113 Task2: Some people agree that all kinds of jobs should be equally open for men and women. Others think that some jobs should be suitable for men and women respectively. Discuss and give your opinion. 不同意:1)生理原因-女人不能作海员,从事高空作业等 2)心理因素-战争让女人走开(这可是爱你们哦) --------------------------------------------------- Version 115 Task2: Young children should stay in kindergarten or nursery schools so that their mothers can return to work earlier. Agree or disagree? 同意小孩上幼稚园:1)幼稚园有系统的教育,良好的设备。 2)母亲们可以回到工作岗位-增加家庭收入,促进社会发展。(靠,就是这篇文章,让我认清了吴XX,这种文章怎么可以正反写?同意就是同意,不同意就是不同意嘛) --------------------------------------------------- Version 116 Task2: It is wrong that government spends a great amount of money on artistic projects such as paining and sculptures. There will be another way to get the money. Do you agree or disagree? Use you own experience. 同意:1)社会进步良好体现,好环境好心情。(所谓暖饱知淫欲,开玩笑) 2)招揽人才,吸引游客,吸收外资。 -------------------------------------------------- 附:一个未知版本(没写) Task2:在你的儿童时期,你家庭的变迁,如经常搬家,对你有什么影响?用你自己的例子来说明它的adventage or disadvantage 利:1)新环境新文化背景(一方水土一方人,语言,食物,生活习惯)。 2)结交不同的朋友。 3)美好回忆(走的地方多,见的也就多) 弊:1)影响学习(学习进度不一样了)。 2)性格了(孤僻,不合群) ___________________________________________________ 附:另一个未知版本 Task2: 现在很多农村人到城市来,分析原因,建议政府用什么方法解决 <