有些人认为中文写作对偏离题要求较严,英语写作只是考语言的应用表达能力,所以对这方面不以为然,这是大错特错。西方写作要求特别注重组织严谨,结构清晰,强调原创,打击剽窃。因此雅思评卷考官对偏离题抓得很严。不过5分是给得很松的,只要不离题,字数够,基本上都能获5分。但自6分起这方面就贼紧。语言的表达能力倒是放在较次要的位置。打个比方,假如两篇文章均完全符合题目要求,这时5分和6分的区别仅在语法上,基本上与单词量的多少一点关系都没有。还有,我经常告诫我的学生,想考6分或以上者千万要用自己的表达,就算有不少语法或中式英语的错误,也比去套用那些中国人以为有9分的表达尤其是那些较流行的却被鬼佬标识为"中式"英语的强百倍,原创性is highly appreciated!
下面我从几方面来分析写作评分标准。 一、 10月11及18日Task2(A): International tourism now is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, it creates tension rather than understanding between the peoples from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above opinion? 没想到旅游的题目能出到这么难,想不偏/离题都难。据我了解多数人写偏了或者自己不知自己写了什么。这道题必须锁定下面两个要点: 1、 这是由不同文化背景的人去他国旅游而得到的understanding和引起的tension,忽略国际旅游或不同文化均以离题处置,英语高手可凭TASK1得高分换得最后得分5; 2、 这是argumentation的D型题, tension 和understanding 两方面都必须提及,只说一方面而不提另一方均以偏题处置,程度高者可得5分。
下面我们来参考两个参加过我授课学员的作文考试回忆来进一步了解评分标准。 第一位(10月11日考):潘育军,大学本科毕业,大部分课堂习作为7分和7加,一篇8分,一篇7。5,我觉得其英语表达为8减,当时期望其考8分,结果却得了6分(4门中最低),我相信其TASK1绝对能得7。5以上。附上考试之作(我绝无作任何改动),大家可从其流畅的英语表达中感受到其功力,但可惜明显偏题,大部分篇幅将题目当讨论文而非议论文来写,凭功力好才得了5分,然后凭高分TASK1得了最后 的6分,令人惋惜。 附件: 考生:潘育军。实际用时:因task1 占去27分钟,只有33分钟用于此task2。6分的作文也好意思在此丢人现眼,惭愧惭愧!但有质量承诺:此基本上为当时原貌,绝无后期修缮,否则原银奉还。嘻嘻! When you are eating, it is possible that you have your throat choked. But this likelihood is so tiny that it can be neglected. The same is true for international tourism. Collisions and disagreements caused by cultural differences are so slight that they can be eliminated by the understanding and friendship created in international tourism. It is unnecessary for us to worry about this so much as to be unable to fall asleep calmly at night.
The purpose and main stream of international tourism is communication and understanding rather than conflict and collision. Cultural tension created by differences in terms of political beliefs, concept of value, life habits, social customs, etc, is only a very slight side effect, which can never become a big danger. Travel psychology suggests that it is a common phenomenon that before a traveler set off, he or she is usually dreaming of having a good experience of the exotic culture, longing for satisfying his or her curiousity (拼写错误,应为curiosity). In the course of the actual traveling activity, the satisfactory (词性错误,应为satisfaction) of curiousity overwhelmingly overcomes the hostile feeling towards the alien culture. And most tourists do understand that this is just the very meaning of international travel, experiencing different culture of another nation is the best part of what they should enjoy during the journey. Otherwise, why not just stay home and enjoy their own culture without going out to do the things called "broadening their outlook"?
In my opinion, after all, cultural tension only happens among those so-called "not so mature" tourists who do not understand the real meaning of tourism. And such tourists are only a minority. They are far unable to raise the trouble of cultural tensions. For the majority of tourists, they enjoy the fresh feeling given by cultural differences. For example, when a foreign tourist sees a Chinese knock at the table with his finger (expressing "thank you") when served with a cup of tea, he or she will only curiously ask why showing the eager (应为eagerness 或anxiety) of learning rather than look down upon this custom.
In conclusion, as long as tourists are helped to build up a correct attitude towards cultural gap between nations before they set off, the problem of cultural tension occurs in international tourism can be avoided. (当结束行文利用最后2-3分钟回头检查时,刚刚发现上述括号中用词错误,这时考官即大声宣布时间到了必须停止书写。眼睁睁看着明显错误而不能更正,痛哉痛哉!)
第二位(10月18日考):李夏娟,高中毕业,大部分课堂习作为6。5分,有时7分,有时6分,我觉得其英语表达为7减,当时期望其考7分,结果如愿(4门中最高),我相信其TASK1也能得7分。附考试之作(中文版),大家可以从其紧紧围绕所有要点展开及举出"实例"来感受切题及符合要求的重要。 附件: 10月18号写作回忆 由于时隔已久,只还记得一些大概的写作思路。刚拿到作文考卷时,我听到后面有位男生大骂了一声"扑街",居然Task2的题目和10月11号的一模一样!!我也有一些心寒,脑子顿时有些空白,我搜肠刮肚,但那些千辛万苦装到脑子去的东西一瞬间全忘光光,这种叫天天不应,叫地地不灵的处境真让人气急败坏!先撇开怎么表达不说,这样的文章,想不写偏题都难。考之前赖老师曾和我们分析过这篇作文,告诫我们紧紧锁定understanding和tension这两点,两者都要提及,缺一均以离题处置。千万不要把international tourism写成国内旅游,这样的失误是很不应该的。题目还要求我们根据自己的知识和经验来准确的回答,我认为这也是不可忽略的,从头到尾我都是紧紧围绕题目来写,对他提出的问题及要求一一做出回答!稳定了一下情绪,我就开始动笔了! International tourism now is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, it creates tension rather than understanding between the peoples from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above opinion? 第一段:我比较简单的重述了一下题目,并没有马上表达我的观点! 第二段:我第一句简单的阐述了不得人们在不同的文化背景之下是比较容易产生tension的,后来举了一个例子,和赖老师范文的例子一样,有关啤酒的,有些人因为不理解当地的文化而拒喝,then,tension就产生了,当中就随便用了一些文字纠缠来凑字数。 第三段:第一句写我认为通过international tourism,也促进了人们之间理解!题目说要根据自己的经验来回答,然后我就编,谎扯说我去年去了某某国外旅游,后来通过与当地的人交流和接触,促进了对他们信仰与文化的了解。 第三段:一开头我马上表达了自己的观点,认为引起tension是不可避免的,但是我不认为产生的tension比understanding多,相反的,国际旅游给大家带来更多的理解和好处,最后我总结,随着大家通过旅游所增加的理解,矛盾就会渐渐减少。通篇文章大体是这样,没有什么独特之处。写完之后我居然还剩余5分钟检查。 Task1我也还写得不错,描述,比较,总结,归纳我都运用了,时态也没有用错。不是我狂妄,当时我还觉得如果不出什么差错,7分应该没问题!总之,我希望将要考试的鸭子门也不要气馁,我学雅思的路也是比较艰辛的,希望你们都能考出好成绩!
二、11月1日Task 2(A) The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue? 许多考生忽视了" in order to decrease violent crimes", 所论证的均为挠痒痒的小事,诸如吸烟等,或看了暴力或黄色内容等,这跟"crimes"若没沾边,还是偏/离题。要知道,"commit a crime"可是较严重的事件,比如说robbery, homicide, rape, etc.考过的想想看,有多少人能扯到真正的crimes上!!
三、11月15日TASK2(A) Computers do not help children to learn more effectively. On the contrary, the use of computers in schools has a negative effect on children's physical and mental development. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 考完后我看到了大量"灿烂的笑容",可是听到我的"一问",你还能笑出来吗?Hold your breath--------你有没有扯到physical(身体/体力上)和 mental(精神/智力上) development?? 请不要嫌我烦,写作老师的本职工作就是挑学生毛病的。以后考试的考生----Watch out!!!