小作文 题目汇总
Your friend is going to stay in your flat while you. [03.09.06]
你的朋友要去一个town旅游, 你写信给她说明以下几点: 1. 关于住宿 2. 介绍些好玩的地方 3. 天气状况 [03.09.13]
你和别人组织了一个会,但由于某种原因取消了,通知相关人员会议取消的原因,新会议的地点、时间,还要道歉。 You are organizing a business meeting, and write to people from other company and tell them the changes of the meeting (time, location, etc.). You will: 1)explain why have to change; 2) tell them the changes 3) apologize for the change [03.09.20 & 04.05.29]
You go to travel by train, server make you uncomfortable, write a letter to railway company to complain 在最近的一次train journey中,一个列车服务员态度不好,要求写信给铁路公司写明: 1:说明情况 2:描述细节 3:要求他们做什么 [03.10.11 & 04.04.03]
An article criticizes a film on a newspaper has, you write a letter to the editor and give your agreements: 1. why you write this little 2. Give the reasons why you disagree 3. Why people should watch it [03.10.18]
Write a letter to your friend and tell him/her your happy things recently. You must say what they are? Why happy? [03.11.01 & 04.04.17]
You have a full-time job and a evening course, for some reason you cannot continue the evening [03.11.15 & 04.06.19]
抱怨上班时的coffee break [03.11.22]
从商店买一CD PLAYER,坏了,写信给生产厂家要赔偿。 1.CD PLAYER有什麽问题 2.商店店员态度 3.如何办 [03.12.06 & 04.02.21]
学校安排stay at a local family. Unfortunately you are not happy about that. 1, 提出问题所在.2,希望她/他如何解决.3,你想要的安排 [03.12.13 & 04.04.24]
海外旅行归来发现一些重要的东西遗忘在飞机上 1. What did you lost? 2. Describe the items Ask for do something. [03.12.20 & 04.02.14]
You are going to London for a visit; you would like to spend 2 days in visiting a library, as you are doing a project. Write a letter to the library assistant. [04.01.10 & 04.06.12]
你租了人家一个房子,上星期在刷房时给人家房主 1说明这个damage是怎么搞出来得。 2提出解决的方法。 [04.01.17]
学校没有运动设施,写信给附近的俱乐部经理询问有关事项要求加入 [04.01.31]
是写一封投诉信,说的是在你家门口有a large tree,给你造成了麻烦,说说你的处理意见。 [04.02.28]
要邀请信(邀请朋友参加一庆祝活动,要求写为什么庆祝,准备做什么等等) [04.03.13]
你不能按时去机场接你的PENFRIEND,写信,抱歉,解释,让他在哪等你,怎么认你。 [04.03.20 & 04.05.15]
腿摔伤了,英语班的同学来看望你,带了礼物和卡片,要求写封感谢信。 [04.05.22]