这是我第二次考雅思了。整体感觉比上次强。上次考听力把电话号码和邮政编码如此easy的给听漏了,一紧张,导致连续几题没听到。所以,烤鸭们,在考听力时,要懂得放弃。 被非典折腾的拖了整一个半月,才有幸参加今天的考试。又是用免洗消毒洗手液洗手,又是检查两次体温,什么都跟以前不太一样。还满有乐趣的:)对了,我个人认为心态很重要,上次考试,紧张个半死,今天就不一样了,满脸的笑容,一切都是那么的熟悉。当然,祝愿以后考试的烤鸭们,不用经历第二次再见考场。还在大楼门口排队等候洗手时,就看到上次给我考口语的帅哥考官,这次又来给我们考试啦。高兴得我,就知道会有好运。哈哈:) 好了,回到正题。 听力:00081 section 1 host family information 共十道题,似乎,还有的记不起了 一个女生向一个男人询问住所 1.地址,好象是14 pen road 2.给了电话号码,问的是什么时间打这个电话最好。7pm 3.问女生年龄 19 4.问英语水平 intermediate 这个单词在section 3 5.房子里希望有什么facilities 已经给了两个,要求再填两个,一个是no other guest ,还有一个不记得 6.什么时间看房子, 23rd section 2 讲的是有关在vacation 找part time job 先是一张表格,给了四个工种,讲它们的优缺点及recommendation 第一个工作的优点是(intersting) recommendation:(get good shoes) 第二个工作,office work,disadvantage:(boring) recommendation:find a (large room) 第三个工作的recommendation:不记得了 第四个工作的advantage: (good paid)记不清这是第三还是第四个的优点了 recommendation:live nearby 接下来是4个选择,讲的是一个学生peter当zoo assistant的事,我不是太确定 1,peter从哪儿找到这个工作的?a .friend b.from computer c.from student union之类的机构 c 2.peter find the job?a.easy b.challenge c.unusual c 3.what is the most interesting thing about the job? a.learn about environment from the job b.与chindren有关的 c.不记得 a 4.what will peter do in next vacation? a.won‘t work b.change a work c.do the same work section 3 一个woman咨询computer course的事宜 先是几道选择 1.which level the computer course do not provide? advanced 2.how many days a week ? six days 选择还有两道记不得了 接着是填空, 1.the woman ask which level is best for her,the man told her to ask their (center manager) 2.the problem of paking near the post office (expensive) 3.有一个问一个地点,什么东东next to (people’s bank) 4。another way to the center is by () i am not sure 5。i forgot section 4 一个妇女介绍research skills and orientation 填空:1.research skills 。。。in the form of (?) 2.something help with the dissertation and (finding a job) 3.books on economics is in (the old building) 4.maths。。。is in (their own department) not sure 5.forgot 6.do (?)you can use a pre-paid card then is a map,you should fill four places in the map 38-40 i am not very sure about the fist two,but the last two is e and d reading: the fisrt passage is about the building ,is the most difficult one,be careful!the time should be whthin 20 minutes,oterwise,you will have no time to finish the test!! the third passage is about whale。it‘s simple! 写作,task 2是v106