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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-22 字体: [ ]




1. ... why you chose your particular field of study.
2. Would you force your children to study a particular subject (or subjects) or would you allow them to choose their own profession?
3. What do you dislike most about your studies?
4. Did you enjoy studying at your university? What interested you?
5. Describe a subject that you have found interesting. Say:
• What the subject is.
• Why you chose to take it.
• How you felt about the subject.
And explain why you found this subject particularly interesting.


1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. TOEFL
2. Topic36: Examinations are not a good way to judge a student’s ability
3. Too much importance is attached to exams at school. Do you agree? –Pd- Qui
    Why say too much importance is given to exams and that it is time to change the way we monitor out children’s development at school.
    Firstly, I think that the examination system is unfair because sometimes two students with the same ability in a subject get very different exam results. This is because one is much better at taking exams than the other.
    Apart from this, exam questions often test how much a student has remembered about the things he or she has been taught in the classroom.
    As a result, students are often encouraged to learn facts by heart, instead of how to use the information and how to think for themselves.
    Lastly, it seems to me that exams sometimes have a bad effect on teaching, as teachers are usually judged by the exam results of their students.
    Consequently, they are often more interested in preparing their students for the exams than in making their lessons lively and stimulating.


SECTION 8: Other relevant questions

1. Is it important to study hard when you are young or can you enjoy your life and return to study when you are grown-up?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying when you are... a) young b) mature
3. What is your opinion of your education system? What are the good and bad points and how could it be improved?
4. What do you think are positive and negative aspects of your country's education system?''
5. Should governments spend more on education than they do at present?
6. Are teachers paid enough?

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