Part 1 长期在一个地方有什么感觉? how do you feel about living in the same place for a long time?
你平时戴表吗? do u wear whatch normally?
如果你的表慢了你迟到了,会怎么样? How do u think of being late.
迟到的时候你会有什么感觉? how do u think of being on time, 你觉得什么时候时间过得很慢? when do you feel that time is going slowly?
如果不从事现在的工作会选择什么? what other kind of jobs do you wish to do?
家乡以及变化跟有趣的事情 talk about interesting things to do in your hometown or a change that took place?
是否爱护动物,我国有些什么野生动物 do u love animals? why? what are the wild animals in China?
宠物,是否喜欢宠物,为什么 do you keep a pet? why or why not?
如果你能改变你的家乡的话,你最希望改变什么 if you could make changes to your hometown, what would you do?
你认为中国人喜欢减肥么?男人多还是女人多?为什么? do Chinese want to lose weight? are they mostly women or men? why is that?
最后问在中国人眼里怎样看待婚礼,为什么 how do Chinese think of wedding? why
那种锻炼方式在你的国家最流行? what kind of exercise are popluar in your country?
在你住的地方人们做什么KEEP FIT how do people keep fit?
你照相吗? do you take photo to recall the past things
你通常什么时候照相? when do you take photo
人们为什么喜欢照相? why people like to take photos
你对制服有和看法? uniform
你爱穿什么样的衣服? clothes you like
健美重要吗? do u feel fitness is important
健身在中国流行吗? is fitness popular in yr country
男人和女人对健身的看法一样吗? fitness is important for men or for women...
你买纪念品吗? do you buy any souveniers? where and why?
part 2 一个人生重大决定 1.describe an important decision u have made, ] what was it? when you made it? how do u make it? explain the impact of this decision parents influence in children's future, do they offer choices to them? what is the difference between parents and grant-parents? do the parents in countryside differ from those in unban area? is the education system ok or not? 你觉得家长是否能主宰孩子的人生决定,如果他们不同意,你会怎么办。广告对当今消费者的影响,还有一个令你印象深刻的广告,以及带来的后果。
2.describe an important present you gave to sb who you gave it to? when you gave it? why you gave it? what occasions will people give presents in your country? What do you think the effects of advertising a present on the TV or internet? Advantages & disadvantages. try to compare the gift you recieved in your teenage with the gift children recieved now.and just image the gift in the future children will recieve.describe the gift u like most,an tell the reason,who give u?and u can describe the ways people send others gift.
3.describe a subject in your school 你对将来从事教师这份职业有什么看法,好老师应该具有什么素质,坏老师表现在哪。
4.describe a person who helped you 关于国际援助的看法 觉得朋友重要吗,说一下同学和朋友哪一个更能给予你帮助。有没有出现过别人帮助你但当别人寻你的帮助时你却不愿意的事情。
5.describe a produce in your country or area
what is it?
where you can buy it?
how people advertise it?
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 本地的一个business.,它使本地人收到哪些benefits? 你认为本地在未来会大力发展哪个产业? 为什么?
6.describe an exercise people around you do most, what is it? where do they do it? when they usually do it ?
exercise 和health 的关系
7.Describe a recently visit u have received from a friend.
who is this friend?
when he visited you?
what you did with your friend?
how do u think of the importance of mutural understanding of different culture?
if a foreigner came to china, what will u show him? the differences of visit between relatives and friends; what gifts we take; how people welcome the foreigners
8.Describe an interesting bulding in you country What is it? where is it located? what is it used for? Explain why you think it is the most intereting?
9.describe your latest travel in detail. where did you go? who did you go with what did you do there explain why did you make the trip?
10.describe a music player or band that you like?
11.describe a newspaper you enjoy reading? waht is it? what is the content ? where do you buy it ? explain why you love it? why people buy a newspaper? what type of information do people get in newspaper? why people like magazine? what merits or dismerits should a reporter have or shouldn't have? do you think reporter need some special skills ?