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Entertainment 娱乐
Some of our hotels arrange additional entertainment which could include music, dancing, film shows, etc. The nature and frequency of the entertainment presented is at the discretion of the hotel and therefore not guaranteed and could be withdrawn if there is a lack of demand or insufficient numbers in the hotel. 译文:我们有一些酒店还安排额外的娱乐活动,包括音乐、舞蹈、电影欣赏等。其上演种类及频率由各酒店自行安排,故无法精确保证,若需求不高或人数不足,有可能取消。

×Which 引导的定语不多说了,一目了然
×Etc. 就是如此等等,会读吗?偶有很多学生就不会
×Nature 和 frequency 二词为主语十分经典,要牢记,nature在此不是自然,而是属性或种类,英语一词多义是偶们学习的最大阻碍,也是英语最迷人的地方,否则偶哪会悟出‘乾坤大挪移’法则?
×Presented 作者反复使用此法,不消多说了,嘻嘻,还没看出道道的,证明你语感不行,平时领悟得太少,学习不够用功哦。别抱怨说偶有天天在读啊,背啊什么的,您缺乏的正是‘用心’二字,即,学习过程中不求甚解!怎么办?又是汗ing
×At the discretion of 会用此词组的,除了高手,还是高手啊!discretion,即判断力,短语意思是根据某人的决定。再问一句,‘高手’英语怎么说泥?high-hand? 非也,Top Player是也
×And therefore,因果关联,承上启下,前面也提到了
×Not guaranteed and could be withdrawn 用法极其精练,和中文语感几乎雷同,所以偶翻译时很顺畅,前者用兵刃五,后者could使出虚拟被动(兵刃二之高级用法)
? If 引导条件让步从句,配合there be句型,就是不用人称做主语!
×A lack of 缺乏之意,你会用吗?
×Demand 和 insufficient 都是经典词汇,必备!再考考你,insufficient的反义词和名词各是什么?如果知道的话,6分有望矣

Questions (Choose the appropriate letters A-D)
开始解题,顺便问你,appropriate 和其副词会用吗?不会吧!这都不放过?!放过了它,考试不会放过偶啊!按照答题节奏,每一道题回答不可超过2分钟。

1. If you want to sit at the front of the coach______________.
A) ask when you get on the coach.
B) arrive early on the departure date.
C) book your seat well in advance.
D) avoid traveling at peak times.

选C,很清晰,考的是第二段,座位安排,问的是如果你想坐前排,就是指Requests for particular seats,而且快速扫描原文后发现booking这个词文中出现2次,预订,只有C有book,,这是最简单的题了,就算是看不懂也能答,白给分啊!汗ing。In advance 知道啥意思?peak time?自己动手查字典吧,该动动手了

2. Your air ticket____________.
A) will be sent to your departure point.
B) must be collected before leaving.
C) will be enclosed with other documents.
D) may be held by your coach driver.

选D,问机票如何如何,在第三段旅游文件,coach dirver 是解题关键词,也是送分题,词汇量大的考生根据retain和held这组近义词来判断。Enclose要会用。May 情态词也是帮助判断之一,原文是may have to be,语气都不太肯定。

3. If you need a special diet you should_______________.
A) inform the hotel when you arrive.
B) pay extra with the booking.
C) tell the coach company.
D) book tourist class.

选C,很显然讲食谱滴,考tell和inform的近义关系,文中的us不就是the coach company吗?别忘了是谁编写这个导游手册滴。从这个宾语入手,也根本不会去选A那个陷阱the hotel,于是,xiao(学)一句赵本山‘师傅,拿下!’

4. It may be necessary to pay extra for ______________.
A) a bathroom.
B) boat tickets.
C) additional luggage.
D) entertainment.

选A, 到目前为止,上面三道题基本按照文章标题顺序出,于是推理就到了膳宿部分了。只有A是指住的房间,与之有关。不敢如此大胆猜测?需要线索?room就是你要找的关键词,其他选项里的信息都是迷惑你滴。

5. Entertainment is available ____________.
A) at all hotels.
B) if there is the demand.
C) upon request.
D) for an additional cost.

选B,很多人都栽到这道上面,何解?因为有了if条件句,晕?答案是原句could be withdrawn if there is a lack of demand的正面描述,即如果没有需求,就被取消,那么有了需求,就提供呗!

6. With every booking Classic Tours guarantee you will be able to _______________.
A) request high quality meals.
B) take hand luggage on the coach.
C) use your own personal bathroom.
D) see a film if you want to.
选B,GZ使了心眼,把顺序颠倒了一下,考你第一部分行李,问题中guarantee后面引出宾语从句,省略关系代词that。Hand luggage和small holdall 是近义滴。

bqiana译为My passive resignation is totally tied up with IELTS exam.

Write a brief letter to a friend who is coming to visit you next month.
1. Tell him/her what the weather will be like.
2. Tell him/her what you could do together while you are in Beijing.
3. Tell him/her if they need to bring anything with them. ×书信是G类题,其实很多A类烤鸭写信未必写的好,而书信是最常用的沟通工具。

Dear Friend:

I am so excited that you are coming to Beijing next month spending Christmas with me. What a wonderful plan! 开门见山,欢迎光临,宾语从句配合分词,现炒现卖,学以致用。

Heavy snow just covered the city these days, cold but dry. Temperature, however, is expected to be restored above zero degree next week. Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow? Unpredictable, thus, make sure you wear something warm enough during your stay, say, ski coat, sweater and boots etc., I suppose. 谈天气的同时,也提出有关建议,把任务1和3组合起来回答,大量使用连接词。

For most of time, I will be your local guide if school is not that busy as you come. Places like the Great Wall,Forbidden City and Summer Palace will definitely not missed, with which I am quite familiar in terms of history and legendary. Without any question, special cuisine is another highlight for tourists, things like Beking Duck and Lamp Hotpot. 枚举旅游胜地和当地饮食,是不二选择,注意专有词汇的拼写,如长城,故宫和颐和园,定冠词the使用一个就可以了。被动语态的采用是必不可少滴!

Please be well-prepared in necessities like medicine, DC or DVC, most importantly, your passport with visa and air tickets. Just kidding :) Well, please do not hesitate to contact me for any needs. Looking forward to your arrival! Best regard to your family! 祈使句配合1到2个例子,简明扼要。

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