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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-22 字体: [ ]


发信人:   bee513(我是一只烤猪)

Some people regard animals as the source of food or clothes, and others think that they should be treated like pets. State your opinion from both sides.

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If you are not a vegetarian and claim that you are an animal lover, no one will accuse you of hypocrisy because it is easy to forget that a steak at the supermarket once formed part of a livestock. This needn't make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. You feel even innocent enough to despise those who wear leather clothing or are enthusiasts for the hunt. The conscience of us is appeased while we contribute a litter bit of food to animals in zoo or donate one back to the Animals Conservation Association.

But what do you think of animals indeed? Some people only regard animals as the source of food or clothes. Some people who cling to human's supremacy regard animals as low-grade creatures in the earth. From my point of view, it is normal and inevitable that we human beings with greater abilities kill some animals and eat them as wild animals do everywhere in the nature. The key point is that we should do it in a more moderate way, on a scale that we show our respect to them. Could you consider an animal as another God-given creature as yourself? Could you treat them as a lion do to a deer, as a bird do to a beetle? Nature goes harmoniously except the presence of humans. Only humans slaughtered other creatures as well as fellow creature in their millions. We could have behaved better if there is a word 'respect' in our dictionary.

Those who have pets argue that they treat their pets as their family members. However, do you like to be a pet of another creature? Do you like to walk with a leash around you neck in a street? If you love animals in your heart, just give their liberties! Let them go where they used to live instead of your magnificent house!

After all, every creature has equally only one chance to live in the world.
(320 words)

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