我被据签了。理由是我的三十万存款是在去年2002年7月12号10万元,2002年7月17号10万元,2002年7月22号10万元逐个存入的,间隔时间不到14天。我无法说明来源。 当时全没有想到这些。我妈妈在汇款给我的时候只想到要存够一年,居然连以前的活期账户都没有保留。所以我有三笔十万的定期存款,都是去年7月存入的定期在我的名下。这下好了,一切都完了。
我是7月8日中午签的,8号,不过是一个40多岁的胖胖的白女人,不是黑玫瑰,但是比黑玫瑰还狠,我永远记得他的样子。她甚至到了后来根本不听我解释,只管我要independent prove,就是利息清单什么的,唉,也怪我自己太大意。
This is refusal letter offered by visa officer: You have applied for an entry clearance to the United Kingdom as a Student for 14 months. However, I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet the requirements of paragraph 57, in particular:
You are able to meet the costs of the course and maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to employment or public funds
Because The cost of your tuition maintenance and accommodation is to be borne by parents. You have produced deposit slips which show that the equivalent of nearly 3 years worth of total income was deposited within 2 weeks . You cannot give a satisfactory explanation for or show any evidence of the provenance of this money or demonstrate that this money has been saved over a period of time as you claim. I am therefore not satisfied that these funds have not been deposited solely for the purpose of this application and are still available to you.