序言: 我约12:30签证,早上8点多就被爸爸叫醒,很不情愿的起床,收拾东西。午饭是在嘉里中心的SUBWAY吃的,也许是因为想着签证的缘故吧,觉得SANWICH没什么味道。 11:30开始排队,我是第一批上去的,所以到21层的时候我是排在了第4个,排队;交材料;交钱;等待…… 看来真是排在前面的不一定先去面试,我交材料的时候是排第一个(因为前面的人没填电码),几乎是所有的面试房间已经叫了两个人的时候我才被叫到……让我等这么长的时间。
面签经过: m:good afternoon! v:没理我。 I:中文还是英文? m:english please! v:are you fit well enough to be interview? m:yes v:Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it ? m:yes v: What is the maximum time you wish to stay there? m:one year. v:What will you do in the UK. m:I will pursue my master degree v:Which subject will you study? m:Computing science v:Do you think your study will benefit for you in the future. m:yes,with my study ,i can find a good job v:Who will pay for the money? m:my parents v:what do your parents do? m:my father is a general manager of ****** my mother is a director of ****** v:what is their annual income? m:my father's annual income is***** my mother's annual income is***** v:Can I look at your bankbook? m:yes,here you are vo:Do you understand what i say? m:yes v:do you feel well? m:ok i:明天下午来取护照 我拿了白条走人,一路哼着周杰伦的歌凯旋而归。 FATHER在星巴克等的我很急,看到我面带笑容,他就知道结果了,也兴奋不已。
签后感: 终于签过了,心里面的大石头终于落了下来,不用再整天为签证发愁了。突然觉得北京灰蒙蒙的天也不再那么讨厌了,反而倒觉得那是可爱的颜色,也许是心情好的缘故吧。
备注:资金是重要的,存款很重要,但来源更重要,所以你的利息清单一定要有什么STUDY PLAN,什么FUND STATEMENT,什么和学校联系的E-MAIL ,什么公证书,什么CHECKING LIST,这些都不要,我都没交,一样签过,但是你的资金一定要弄明白了。