这边普遍的是先Trust you。比如坐Bus,这里中间转车不用换票。大家都很自觉(这边最基本的人本规范)。通常都是入口或者第一次上车的地方买次票,中间转车都是集中式的内部通道,不会产生逃票什么的问题,挺peace的感觉。不用在上海为付票钱挤来挤去。
下面内容是摘的,反正我本来就因为不可能两年驾龄的缘故没考驾照,也没想去判别真伪;后面的朋友关心的话可以再想办法确证一下,如果属实,大家就在国内考个先: 目前网上流传很多不正确的观点,认为必须持有国内两年以上驾驶执照者才可立即参加路试。其实根据安省交通法管理条例规定(Highway Traffic Act &Regulation),如果有中国驾驶执照满一年不满两年的可在笔试通过后立即报考G1路试,如果有中国驾驶执照不满一年的,可根据持照时间长短折减G1实习期。例如持国内驾照8个月,则4个月后可参加G1路试。依此类推。如果参加全科驾校学习,可在获得国内驾照8个月后参加G1路试。
If you have a driver's licence from any country other than Canada, the United States, Japan, Korea, Austria, Germany or Switzerland or Canadian Forces Europe AND you have been driving for more than one year but less than two years , you may be able to book your first road test.
If you have a driver's licence that is not from another Canadian province or territory, the United States, Japan, Korea, Austria, Germany, Switzerland or Canadian Forces Europe and you have been driving for less than one year in the past three years, then you must start with a Level One licence.
There are two levels in graduated licensing. It takes two years of driving experience before you can apply to get a full licence to drive a car, van or small truck in Ontario. However, the time that you have been driving in the country you had your licence will be part of those two years.
First, you must get a Level One licence. After you practise driving for a total of 12 months - including your past experience - you can take a road test to get a Level Two licence. If you pass the road test, you must practise driving for another 12 months before you can take the second road test to get a full licence.
If you complete a recognized driver education course at a driving school, you can reduce the time you need in Level One to take the first road test by four months.