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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-22 字体: [ ]

1.A rocket or mortar round struck the Italian embassy in Baghdad late on Wednesday causing structural damage but no injuries, Italian news agency ANSA reported.

2.In 2003 the HIV/AIDS pandemic took the highest number of lives and produced the highest number of new infections since surveillance of the disease started, according to a new global report released on Wednesday from the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO). 联合国艾滋病规划署与世界卫生组织周三联合发表报告指出,自从对艾滋病进行监控以来,2003年是全球艾滋病死亡和新感染人数最多的一年。

3.Reuters: Fighter jets were scrambled at Miami airport to escort the plane on Tuesday after an elderly woman threw a fit on an American Airlines plane and flight attendants thought she would attack them, police said. 路透社:警方表示,一名老妇女周二在美国航空公司一架飞机上大发脾气,乘务员以为她要袭击他们。事后,美军战机紧急起飞前往迈阿密机场护航。

4.Action film idol Fernando Poe has announced he will run for the Philippines presidency in May 2004 elections, CNN reported Wednesday. 美国有线新闻网周三报道,菲律宾著名动作影星费尔南多·波宣布,他将参加明年5月举行的总统竞选。

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