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The only way to improve the safety in our roads is to give much stricter punishment for driving offences. Agree or Disagree?

In an effort to enhance road safety, our country's law stipulates harsher punishment for transgressors. While this is an effective measure, we should call for an integrated approach for traffic safety control.

Harsher punishment on unlawful use of the road will effectively deter traffic violations. For instance, drunk driving and breaking red lights account for a large proportion of road fatalities. Research by administrative department indicates that the number of violators decrease notably when the amount of fine increases 5-fold or more. Drivers and pedestrians become more aware of traffic law and comply with it better knowing the serious consequence of their action.

In spite of the effectiveness of heavier punishment, we can not afford to downplay the significance of additional measures such as application of road safety information system. In developed countries such as Japan and Singapore, government has developed and launched highly sophisticated traffic control system, which monitors and facilitates traffic flows on major roads for better and safer road usage, reducing the chances of accidents. 

Education also plays a critical role in keeping roads safe. In schools, teachers explain to students general safety knowledge and teach them skills such as how to cross roads and ride cars safely. Such preventive measure also makes very good contribution to road safety improvement.

In conclusion, we acknowledge the effectiveness of stronger punishment measures on traffic law offenders. However this is not the only or most optimal option to achieve better and safer usage of roads. An integrated approach should be adopted such as the use of smart traffic control system and priority given to traffic safety education.

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