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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-23 字体: [ ]
British Baby Conceived from 21-year Frozen Sperm ...New Service for Drunk Drivers ...Shanghai's Elderly Enjoy Fun in Cyber Space ...
A British woman has given birth to a healthy baby using sperm from her husband which had been frozen 21 years earlier in what is believed to be a record for fertility treatment.

The boy's father had five samples of sperm frozen after being diagnosed with testicular cancer and having treatment which it was known would leave him sterile when he was 17 in 1979.

The sperm was stored in liquid nitrogen and was never thawed in the nearly two decades until he married and decided to start a family.

Scientists used a course of in-vitro fertilisation, in which a single sperm was injected into an egg, to create embryos.

Researchers say the mother gave birth to a healthy boy in 2002.


Since renowned Chinese crosstalk comedian Niu Zhenhua was killed because of drunk driving, some places in China have introduced a new service: rent a driver to drive your car when you've had one over the eight.

The service has been available in Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin for a while now.

In Hainan Province, a man recently obtained a permit from a local administrative bureau to provide such a service.

And the first company to provide the service in Suzhou city has opened. The charge is typically from 30 to 100 yuan, based on distance and the type of car.

A catering industry in Guangzhou is also considering introducing it.

Many drivers welcome the service, but some are afraid that their car will be stolen.


More and more senior citizens in Shanghai are becoming activists in virtual space.

Surfing online, playing online games and sending emails are becoming a common part of these elderly people's lives.

Some have gone further, such as learning how to edit photos online.

About 8 percent of older Shanghai people have started to visit web sites since the launch of the project, "Help the Elderly Surf Online," last October.

In Shanghai's Changning district, one million yuan, or about 120 thousand US dollars, has been invested in building community computer classrooms for the elderly.

2,000 old people have received training to be computer classroom managers and computer course volunteers. They will teach their peers how to enjoy cyber space.

Apart from computer training courses, various social organizations offer services for the elderly such as consultation, buying computers for them and providing door-to-door maintenance for old people.

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