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Ms. June Ellis-Parker
Grummond Associates
101 Alden Terrace
Ames, IA 09876

Dear Ms. Ellis-Parker:

Meeting you today was a real pleasure. I enjoyed touring your facility and seeing a staff that does not require formal attire to achieve impressive productivity. Quite a departure from the typical corporate environment!
As we discussed, the position is an exciting one for which I am superbly qualified, and it would be an honor to join your team. The range of skills I can bring to your organization would allow your managers to devote more time to joint fieldwork, and ultimately increase your bottom line profits.
I will call on Friday as you suggested to see whether Roger Transwood has returned and is available to meet with me.
Thank you again for your time. I look forward to seeing you again very soon.

Linda Blumfeld
(555) 456-7890


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