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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-23 字体: [ ]


Task1: You rent a house through an agency. The heating system has stopped working. You phoned the agency a week ago but it has still not been mended. Write a letter to the agency. Explain the situation and tell them what you want them to do about it.

To: mr. S. Brown,
Best Agency Ltd.,
35, Willow av.,
Greencity, Russia.
Tel: (812) 345-46-76
Fax: 534-87-78
Telex: (812) 657-78-89
e-mail: local_authority@net

From: Helen Apple,
13, Willow Av.,
Greencity, Russia.
Tel: (812) 345-46-70

Dear Sir,
I am writing to you to inform you my heating system hasn't been working since the 5 th of December this year. I contacted your company and explained mr. S. Switch on the 7 th of November that my heating system has stooped working. But the situation hasn't changed till now.

The reason why it happened is not clear for me. Besides I have no possibility to repair the heating system myself and my waiting for the heating is very unpleasant for me and my family. To say more, the weather was really cold and I had to buy necessary warm clothes and a thick carpet to keep warm in the flat. I have bought a minimum of necessities:

a sweater - $107.34
pants - $38.67
a pair of socks - $04.44
a carpet - $1034.00

I cannot hide my disappointment but I still believe that "Best Agency" is a good and reputable company. And I hope that the situation can be solved by the following ways: to compensate all my expenses according to the checks and , of course, I am expected the heating in my flat as soon as possible. Otherwise will be getting more and more expenses and I shall be obliged to address these claims to the superior authorities, that I do not want to do.

Your prompt actions and your quick answer will be appreciated by me, by my children, my grandparents and all my relatives.

With best wishes, mrs. Apple.


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