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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-23 字体: [ ]


  GT是每个申请者都会经历的一个过程,一个学会耐住寂寞专心学习的过程。我考G的时候是大二的时候,当时相当痛苦的一个人背了半年单词就去考试了。最后得到的也是一个比较汗颜的分数。考T的时候最是没有激情的时候,所以考得也不好。不过我也从来没有想过要通过GT分数来取得优势。就像我套的一个教授说的那样“your GRE and TOEFL score is not good, but they are in an accept range.”分数够了就行了,没必要在这上面死磕。这个过程相对于整个申请来说其实也算是一个相对合理和公平的步凑,因为它们有这么一个量化的标注来衡量好坏,而不是像后面申请那样,没个绝对的标注。

  我选学校是参考专业排名的。进到各个院系里看FACULTY做的东西,有兴趣的就发封EMAIL问问。根据教授的回信决定是否申请。我做的课题是关于PHYTASE,所以首先看的是做同样课题的教授。看下来的话就是CORNELL, PURDUE动物科学的几个教授在做。先给他们说了说情况,教授的回信如下:

  Dear N:
  I am very pleased to hear from you about your interest in phytase research. It seems that you are working with the group of Professor W. You may know that we were classmates at graduate school.
  At Cornell, I have had 2-3 students lined up for entering my lab for 2005. However, I will establish a research center at XXUniversity soon. We will recruit research leaders, postdocs, Ph.D. students, and staff members. Those people will have a great chance to come to Cornell or other schools for study. If you are interested in the program, you may discuss with Professor Wang or President Wen.
  Best wishes,

  My apologies, but at this time, I will probably not have any additional space for another student for at least the next year.
  Thank you for your inquiry. I have enclosed a copy of a paper for your records.
  You may want to contact XX from Cornell University for possibilities of working with him.

  Hi N,
  Thank you very much for your interests in my study. Unfortunately, I do not have openings. However, I will keep you with updated hiring information if I have an opening for graduate student in the near future.

  Your last name is Y, right?
  Hope my info will help you a little bit.
  Our program is small, other than me, a lot of Chinese students who were in
  this program have agricultural background. Now I am the only Chinese student, I will graduate soon. Due the economic condition and huge budget cut in all public schools in US, it is tougher for foreign students to get financial aid, this year, we did not have any new foreign student at all in our program. Moreover, about 30% of Chinese students coming to Rutgers are paying by themselves. I am not saying that you should not consider applying,
  there are still chances.

  I am not sure how much GRE will weigh in their decision making, most American students have similar score to you, however, most students in this program have to do teaching assistant job to support ourselves, in a way, they don't care about your score, but they do care about your English proficiency, can you understand, speak, write efficiently in English, can you teach in English, not very easy to be TAs here.

  Most importantly, I don't know any one who is doing research similar to your project in this program, so I think for your benefits, you might want to seek other programs which have professors doing enzymology and protein engineering.

  My biggest advice is, if you want to go abroad to study, eventaully you will be able to do it, but the biggest challenge is what really interests you. Chinese people will find a job and will make a living (green card, house, car, kids ect), but very few know their true interest, even if when they finally realize what are their interests years ago, they do not have the opportunity to pursue their interests anymore. Before you pick the school,
  think about this, the earlier you know, the better.

  Good luck and God bless you!

  然后又是继续天天看学校教授的情况,整个过程持续了一个月。不停的询问教授课题情况和是否招人。以下是部分学校的回信。这些学校都是我因为种种原因没有挑选的,比如GT不够高,竞争过于激烈等等,或者态度不友好什么的,还有条件夸张的比如UTHSC-HOUSTON的CANCER BIOLOGY要求G的V到80%
  Dear N,
  Thank you for your interest in my laboratory. The Biochemistry Program at Brandeis University has a strong emphasis on enzymology which I believe would fit your interests. You can learn more about this program at:
  I should tell you that we can take very few foreign students and the applicant pool is very large and talented, although with one published paper already, your application would be quite strong.

  Dear N
  Please visit the website for your graduate studies for information:
  However the chances are quite slim because our program can only admit one foreign student per year due to the fact that the students are paid by a training program that is limited to domestic students.

  University of California–Irvine 要tse
  SUNY–Buffalo 发邮件问小米了申请太激烈了

  Dear N,
  I looked over your resume. While your verbal GRE and TOEFL scores are a bit
  low, they are in an acceptable range. Your GPA is quite good. If you have
  had extensive research experience, and if you have good, detailed letters of
  recommendation, that will be viewed favorably. Have you submitted your
  pre-application yet? It is required for foreign students. If you have any
  questions regarding this, you may email R.
  From your resume, I gather that you are primarily interested in the directed
  evolution aspect of my research. Since this is a new area for me, I do not
  have any publications on that yet. I can tell you that we are making good
  progress on the enzyme XX, which I discuss on my website. In January, once we have received your application, we can discuss my research further.







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