My way to FICC GS-for those who have encouraged and discouraged me…
Finally, after very painful interviews, though just 3 rounds of telephone, I got what I want, what I have always been dreaming of and working hard for-theoffer for summer internship from FICC GS.
This program will enable me the chance to spend 5 weeks in Tokyo and 5 in Hong Kong this summer, where I will get the best access to, through rotations, all the business areas, with focus on Fixed-Income. In the following article, I would like to give a detailed description about the interviews and recruiting process, as well as my experience in the past two and a half years.
The first guy was an ED ( executive director) in FICC and very nice. After giving my personal introduction, he asked me to speak Chinese since he thought my English was definitely enough for Ibanks). Questions were pretty challenging ( sorry for that I can’t lay out the answer).
1 please compare Citibank, DB and GS and tell me why you want to work for GS ( I have internship in Citibank and a kind of volunteer work in DB) I mentioned that I wanted to work for US Ibanks, due to their deep commitment to clients.
2 so why don’t you go to LB, CSFB, ML and MS? LB declined me, CSFB never recruit interns, and I have applied for both ML an d MS, which was the true. But I by no means could say so…….
3 why FICC? Compare that to the other 3 divisions.. Blablabla…..
4 I mentioned BS formula in my last answer and he began to question me about the deviation, assumption and important steps involved there. Luckily, I got the MIAN JING for a tsinghua student who actually got an full-time offer for Equity in GS just the night before and crammed a little bit, but it seemed far from enough….. he kept questioning every corner ( what’s Ito lemma, Ito process, markov, BM and risk neutrality…) Finally, I gave up and he began to explain…..( a good teacher, but not at the moment ?(( I felt very ashamed.
5 some complex option strategies and let me explain under what a circumstances we can make much. It is far beyond the text books that I have covered, so in true, I was perplexed. Then, I calmed down and told him my opinions. For the first, I ran to the right answer, guided by him, of course. And for the second, I directly told him that I knew nothing and asked him to show me, and finally arrived at the right answer.
6 some questions about my resumes…
7 my question time, which, in my regard, makes me impressive to him…..\Our conversation lasted nearly one hour, far exceeding the scheduled 30 min……at the time he asked me write down his contact way voluntarily, I knew I could pass………
It was in Friday and I crammed for my probability and Stochastic Process for all the weekend….
On the very morning of the next Monday, HR called me to say Director strongly recommended me and they would arrange more tele-interviews for me. Then, I had to continue the suffering.
The next was another director, who was so keen on my resume (admittedly, I have good experience, but he was too curious…..) I talked and talked, all in English. Then he said, ok, shall we speak Chinese? Then more and more questions. ( personally, resume questions are quite simple because you have prepared well. The key point is to say what you benefited from the past work)
He put a tough question for me-why not go to graduate school?Besides other reasons, I think the most important is that my GPA is not high at all, how can i? I just told him the true and said, for me, the opportunity cost was way too high ….if I join GS, my learning curve would be much steep than I would have in graduate school….
Frankly, i have a good ability in communication so that I kept the initiative of saying what I wanted to say and what made me unique…. As for the questions, I asked him a very technical one “why should we pay close attention on the narrowing between yields of the 10 year TB and 2 year? He was surprised by that and started to guide me, when I was so nervous for the fear of not being smart enough at the moment. During the process, he also inquired about the latest yields in the market, which was something I always paid close attention too…..
I had great confidence that he would let me pass because he not only left his office number, but also the mobile ( he insisted my calling would not bring any inconvenience when I asked whether it would…….)
I had another call from Tokyo that, a trader watching the market for over 10 years. He had delayed our phone call for twice before we made it. (so you see how busy the traders are). I guess he had never seen my resume before, becau se he suddenly asked me which division and location I applied for!!!!!!!!! Go t the answer, I was required to give a general description about the FICC market environment. I was not very clear and just searched my brain like crazy and said something about MS and LB, highlighting the advantage of GS. It turned out I was right about the competitive advantages and disadvantages.
My good time ended, for he began to ask math…….for the first question 19*29 , I gave the answer at once. And the second probability, I got the right quickly and told him, but I was so silly as to think mine was wrong during the explanation and hesitated along time. though I realized that finally, I thought poorly of my performance.
For the questions, about Japanese market, culture, and judging the performance of traders( he thought my questions were all too tough to him).
The next day, I rang HR and was shocked that they all thought I did exceedingly well??????!!!!!!/
About 20min later, the first director called me back, saying that though they usually have more than rounds, they have decided to give me the offer immediately and asked me whether I would accept……..
其实没有想到自己这次会这么强,因为我不仅拿到了GS的,其他的面试我都有,大部分拒了,ML的昨天去了,毕竟是Final,想去让他们明白本科可以做得很好(ML,JP和DB都极其鄙视本科)。总的感觉是爽,问的问题比GS简单得多,面试经验多的话很容易的。(我走的时候一个Director笑着问我是不是有很多offer了,如果ML给我我还要不要,我明确说你们把机会留给别人吧,我已经答应GS了) 此前花旗IBD也给我了,我身体不好,ibd我干不了,所以所有的ibd我都没投,人贵有自知之明。 我也很无奈,成绩烂阿,保研出国绝对没戏。。。。。。。。
关于投行 我对投行一直halfhalf,不是FIXED或Equity坚决不去,我干不了,我的身体不允许。 我知道很多人都拼命往里钻,个人认为没有必要,毕竟投行不意味着幸福的生活,如果活的郁闷,钱再多也没用。我想去是因为我喜欢那种生活方式,喜欢不断变化的市场,但我不喜欢IBD,当然我估计他们也不会喜欢我。:( 在申请投行之前,问问自己,如果所有人都说投行不好,你还去不去?我知道拿offer的都会被认为是牛人,我始终不这么看,个人有个人的路,自己觉得好,就行,幸福与否只有自己知道。 一年前我还不知道投行,只是在里面工作的朋友都说我适合,那就试试,反正还年轻。。。。
关于面试 其他的大家都知道了,准备是必须的,但重在平时积累,特别是多看相关新闻,我就每天刷一遍有关网站。 be humble, be moderate, and be yourself 一个学姐说得好,投行是要找和他们相同的人
1 好好学习,特别是数学。我的GPA在强手如林的光华金融顶多是中上水平,但我的数学没有问题,专业课也还行。学东西是为自己,这点要明白,虽然我由于实习和社交不怎么去上课,但我认真学了,还看了自己觉得应该看的书,比如BIBLE(options, futures and other financial derivatives)
2 英语很重要。我来自不太发达的地区,我们高中不说英语,只应付高考,所以我两年前口语很滥。我永远也不会忘记第一节口语课的FRUSTRATION,也许赶上别人很难,但我做到了,也没觉得很痛苦,一年都是很长的时间,只要你有心,一定会有进步,千万别因自己基础不如别人而放弃,路是走出来的。
3 身体很重要,少打游戏,多锻炼一下吧。我的身体很滥,高三基本没上,高考发挥好进的光华(或是老天觉得我适合这一行?)第一年各方面都一团糟,但有一点,我从不放弃能够改变现状的努力,现在身体好很多,至少在Citibank的overnights我还是挺下来了。
4 要明白自己想做什么,适合做什么。我曾经想出国,或许是受高中教育的影响,老师告诉我们出国就是成功。但我很快发现这路我走不了,我是那种可以很轻松上85的人(仅限数学领域和专业课,本人政治课及类政治课,比如MIS,考得一塌糊涂),但杀了我我也考不了太高的份,那就不要勉强自己了,找个工作吧,以后再说。
始终觉得自己对市场和数字有兴趣,那就去投行做吧,不行就去做sales,收入不低,工作也很有意思。 如果真想去投行,要多看金融的网站和有关的书,培养对市场的感觉(听HR讲,她们这次要我主要是觉得这方面很强)
5 学会buildup network,这点做什么都重要,搞投行尤其如此。首先多和学长聊天,你会明白各个行业是怎么回事,将来也可以互相帮助,投行就是一个小圈子,大家互相帮助,共同进步。尽量争取实习,never mind small things, 不管工作多么基本都好好做,我们家没有关系,但我还是找到了很好的实习,当然如果有的话,一定要充分利用。
6 多实习,多做项目。首先会让你明白究竟能做什么,我一直以为花旗很好,但一个月的实习让我对所有商业银行彻底地失去兴趣。我也在不错的公司做过consulting, 老板对我满意,我对自己不满意。另外,通过实习你会认识很多人(如果你本身足够impressive), 以后很有用。会让你很mature,外边的世界和校园差距很大,能否恰当应对还是看你究竟有没有经验。GS很喜欢mature和有idea的人。
7 我们是本科生,只有4年,一定要抓紧这四年,不然怎么可能比研究生有竞争力!!!?
路还长,据说东京的实习会很tough, 还要努力,为了我的full-time offer, 为了爱我的所有人。
致谢: 首先谢谢我的父母,尽管他们不知投行是什么,不懂英语(每次和他们聊天前我都必须先解释IBD,FIXED-INCOME是什么意思,他们似乎永远也记不住5555555),也不怎么管我的事(应该是也管不了),但还是很支持我走自己的路。
感谢所有学长的指教,感谢学弟学妹的鼓励和帮助……….. 感谢我的外国朋友陪我练英文(他们从不要求我陪他们练中文:) 感谢所有帮助过我的我认识和不认识的人。。。。。。。
最后,感谢我自己,我两年前我不会讲英文,一年前不知道投行,半年前不知道fixed-i ncome和GS,但我始终很努力。。。。。。。 In a word, thank you all!!!!!