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Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is widely accepted that a country active in scientific research is also one that has a strong power for innovation and wealth creation. Nevertheless, the optimal structure for such kind of researches is still source of great debate.

Some people argue that scientific researches should be carried out or controlled by governments. They believe that researches into nuclear technology, national defense or military intelligence are of strategic importance, national interests or high levels of secrecy and should be carried out only by the government. Also, in some basic scientific researches which are directed purely towards the advancement of knowledge, or where the uncertainty of results are high, there is little incentive for public sector to invest in them and therefore governments take the leading role.

There are, however, reasons for private companies to participate in scientific researches.Researches are done more efficiently by private companies because they are profit driven. Every dollar is spent wisely to ensure maximum benefits and every resource is used effectively to avoid waste. Also, researches by private companies are closely associated with market needs. Private companies are market oriented so they always come up with inventions that have practical values that can increase productivity and improve life.

From my point of view, both the governments and private companies should be actively involved in scientific researches. We should promote interaction between different research institutes including state-owned research centers, universities and corporate labs to accelerate the transfer of technology and research into products and services that can benefit human life. (房挺 上海朗阁名师)

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