ME: 打招呼 VO: 不理会,直接问"你的姓名" ME: blabla.... VO: 低头看我的DS表,问你的户口在xx(东北)? ME: 是, 但是我在xx工作,因为有一个合作研究需要我来这里工作... VO: 被打断,"什么计划" ME: blabla.... VO: 你为什么不去北京签证?(没有问为什么不到沈阳) ME: blabla...解释合作计划,我很早就到 xx地方开始合作研究等,我打过你们的电话,我可以在上海申请签证.... VO: 打断,"你的暂住证?" ME: 赶紧递入 VO: 拿过,转头招呼一年轻中国男子过来问暂住证的事,好象是说真的还是假的,那男的应该给的肯定答复,随后扔出来,问"your saving"? ME: 晕了。我资金没问题呀?带了存折,赶紧找啊... VO: 拿了我的表跑过去问4号的胡子,我一下急了..大声喊“madam, here is my saving", 她过来一看,直摇头“no,no...blabla..." 因为她坐在椅子上,后仰着和我讲话,距离远,我真的听不清,只好说“我真的听不见,请你再说说好吗?”随后又pardon 一次,这次她一字一字的说“your CV" ,干吗不说resume?从一堆材料里找出递入,看我的工作地址有两个(本来一个,跨区一个),低头找材料,抬头看到MM在我的DS表上一通狂划,把我暂住证的地址和电话添到DS表上的右侧上方.写下的电话号码看的非常清楚.然后问"谁是你在美国的老板"? ME: blabla....大意是讲我和老板很熟(华人,见过三次面,是我单位的百人计划),是什么课题,提到"biology","clinic medicine","proteomics","cancer research" 等,以及我的特长,在该计划中的重要性等... VO: 打断."你有他的resume和supporting letter"吗? ME: 我晕!这次怎么说resume了?赶紧找出,支持信还没打开,于是说,"要打开吗?" VO: 点头. ME: 我打开信,和从网上下载的老板材料介绍一起递入.在她看的时候,我想不能冷场啊,于是blabla....介绍老板,和他的计划"sponsored by NIH",完成计划我会回国,说完她还没看完呢!又blabla...说我为什么在上海签,要给她其他材料... VO: 不理会,抓过我的护照,手起... ME: Madam, please give me one minute... VO: ...章落,砰的一声,在我的护照上写点什么,加张A4纸,然后和 DS-156一起扔出,... ME: then, madam, could you give me a reason for that? blabla... VO: just listen to me... ME: please. VO: 我没有拒你,留下你的材料要审查,一边说一边点起我的DS-157,DS-158,offer letter,IAP-66,我的CV和老板的supporting letter,砰的用订书机扎上.你回去等电话通知.下一个... ME: 看到别人已经上来,只好说anyway....捧起大堆材料转身.哗,我看见...签证大厅里几乎所有人都在看帅哥,搞的我脸更红了,想来我和YYMM大战差不多有10分钟,还可能声音巨响亮...呵呵,在别人的签经里会有提到一个帅哥上海大战YYMM,那就是我了哦.
1.她留的我的一些材料,要check,请问,他们一般如何check?具体到我,大约有啥要check的? 2.我说的"biology","clinic medicine","proteomics","cancer research"不会是敏感专业问题吧? 3.美国那边的check我没办法,随他好了,我给美国老板发紧急e-mail报忧,他居然还恭喜我,晕了! 4.要check我在国内的情况,我想她特意写下工作证明单位的电话,是不是要打这个电话check? 5.在随后的日子里,我得准备什么,以备战第一签的延续部分?:)就是不用再交签证费的"二面". 6.他通知我后,是不是会把收去的所有材料先还给我,给我一个时间,再来面试?这个面试和第一次一样吗? 7.我护照盖章,里面写“G”,另一张A4纸也写的明白被 check,下次不用交830等云云。
谢谢诸位。 2002年9月托福语法题讨论
第一篇 这里是2002年9月的部分语法题,但是没有答案,所以请高手来看看,并解出答案!
Many scientists believe_____as a result of a collision between the newly formed Earth and a large asteroid. A. that the Moon was formed B. in that the Moon was frmed C.that the Moon formed was D.when the Moon was fromed
The organ-pipe cactus is _____ in th United states. A.rare that B.it rare C.so that rare D.rare
Willa Cather,_____, gained recognition for her books concerning the American frontier. A.a novelist and pulitzer pprizewinning B.a Pulitzer prizewinning novelist C.a Pulitzer prizewinning novelist who D.was a PUlitzer prizewinning novelist
The average wavelength of visible light is 2,000 times _____ the diameter of an atom. A. much as B. as great C. greater than D. more than that
_____ ants libe in nests, which may be located in the fround, under a rock, or built above ground and may be made of twigs, sand, or gravel. A. Most B. The most of C. Most of D. Of the most
The banking systems of the world have many similarities, _____ they alsp differ, sometimes in quite material respects. A. of which B. in spite of C. but D.how
第二篇 请继续解答:
Learning that takes place in infancy provides the____ for the eventual transformation of a child into an adult. A. foundation is necessary B. necessary foundation is C. necessary in the foundation D. foundationh necessary
In the late 1930's adn early 1940's, Jacob Lawrence created many paintings _____ the lives of famous African American activists. A. Portayed B. portrayed them C.that they portrayed D. that portrayed
The Centennial Exposition, _____ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1876, celebrated the one-hundredth anniversary of th Declaration of Independence. A. was held B. to be held C. held D. by holding
In the dark abyss of the deep sea _____ is produced by luminescent fish. A. because the only light B. the only light C. the only light that D. is the only light
The classic American novel Moby Dick____ an account of the conflict between human beings and their fate. A.may be regarded as B as may be regarded C.regarded as may be D.regarded may as be
In the metals industry, hydrogen is used to prevent metals from tarnishing while undergoing_____. A. treated by heat B. heat treatments C. by heat treatments D. heat-treated]
语法改错 1. The Executive Mansion, (Constructed) in the 1790's (and) now (popularly) called the White House, (is oldest) public edifice in Washington,D.C
2. (Inventor Elisha Graves Otis designed the first elevator (that it incorporated) an automatic brake, which in turn (led to) the (development) of the skyscraper.
3.(Although) the term "corrosion" applies omstly to metals and particularly to (their reaction) to oxygen, all (material) are subject to (surface deterioration.)
4.The chief (commercial source of bromine is ocean water, from (what) the element is extracted by (means of) chemical (replacement) by chlorine.
5. (Like) Jupiter (and) Earth, Saturn (is) flattened at (a) poles.
6. All (living) things are (made up of) one or more cells, and each of these cells (were) produced by an (already existing) cell.
7. (It is) believed that some dinosaurs were intelligent, (ability) to perform complex activities, and perhaps (even) capable of (social) behavior.
8. Unique (among) bivalves, scallops swim extremely (well), propelled by jets of water expelled while (snapped) the shell (shut).
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