总体来说今天广州的口语考题和11号的差不多,如下 1书籍(哈哈)这是我的deadly version,所以放在最前面,让大家看看我是怎么被自己玩死的 what do you do? student or work? where are you from? could you describe it to me? tell me which subject you don't like and what's your favorite?why? 总之我说什么她(那个刘海象撇男人胡子的美国女人)总会打断我,而且我感觉到他的眼神在时刻准备打断我的monologue cue card: tell a book/story read before what is the name? when read it? what influence it brings to you?
Stage 3 who usually does the food and household shopping? what about other shoppings?
what is the role do you think a liberay performs? what is the role of the book possesses in the education? what is your opinions about read for fun and read for purpose? 唉,我的口语就此了断,呜呜,本来昨天的阅读和作文就死掉了,今天本来想口语一定拉回分来,结果,最后那个女人给我来了句"good luck!" TMD我从第一天开始学英语就知道,美国人从来都认为有实力的人不需要LUCK这样东西,这个只是留给没本事的人用的,结果.....呀呀,我的牙都快咬掉了,气死我了,她不成心骂我呢嘛,总之算我倒霉,到了吃饭时间才考,她肯定是饿到气急败坏了,哼,所以我不跟我谈吃的,不谈好玩的,就挑我看的最少的书来压我,本来我什么都有话说,结果她什么都不给我时间,不到15M就把我解决出场了,丫~
2社会福利 social welfare 这个题估计很多人都没的发挥的了,所以以后要小心,下面是我根据别人说的做的翻译,大家可以参考
talk abouth the social welfare you know, such like the senior citizen pensions,the disable people funds,etc.
这是新出现的题型所以大家可以查查相关资料,个人认为代表了一定的考试趋势,越来越关注social problems而不仅仅着眼于personal views
3这个部分都还以前出现过的东西了, A)toy B)equipment C)public transportations (how to improve the current situation and get rid of the headaches. D)shopping personal shopping habits, perferences etc E)a friend of yours what do you usually do?