今天早上8:40在天津考完口语,现汇报情况: 考官,男,光头,以:where are you come from ?开场 看身份证 you name? are you a student or at work? what are you doing? what is the disadvantage about your work? do you like shopping? what kind of shop do you like? do you like to see film? where do people like to see ,at home or in cinema? why? task 2: your ideal house? where?outside and inside like? 刚说了一半就被打断 task 3: where are the interesting buildings in Tianjin? what is like? which district in TJ is best ? why? do you think the govenment in TJ do well ? ================================ 发贴人:milleryan 今天中午12:00在华师大 考官是个大肚子的老年人FR 上来基本情况不说了,然后是 ABOUT FREE TIME CARD:MUSIE OR SONG DISCUSSIONS: 关于科技和音乐的关系,现代年轻人对音乐的看法