发信人: chrisiary(巫c)
考前在网这里看到了不少冬冬。。 偶之前都不知道version概念的。。 :P
ok..今天的cure card是 computer前的invention , what 's that? then 比较。。好处或是坏处,why? further question.. rural and country ,differece for using the invention ..? did some new invention? in the future invetion的发展方向
other question.. color for your choice ,,your major? why? study 安排。。prefer to learn by teacher or by yourself , why? if or not like new things to learn? why ? now ,what do you learn (for new things)? cloth or fashion是否重要,为什么。 款式和以前的不同。
some ansers of mine.. cloth remeber almost everything need to say why or why not! choice cold color, just make me feel easy , do not like pink or red , is too bright anc colorful. learn by myself , the teachers only can teach me things which he or she knows ,but i prefer to my interesting and plan by my self..so on.. invention: tv, three aspects, first to the old people , 有利。to the child not. to the worker not.. child need learn more things.worker need improve skill ...so on.. in future.. univers or under ground, because people know little things about ..
that's all
今天是个madam考得我,前面考得也是个mm我是第二个, 坐在外面的时候就听到里面madam的声音,很响亮咯。。标准的lodon madam..呵呵 有点怕,不过我还是比较偏向madam来考我的,个人因素比较少一些也比较的公平~ :P madam 可能相对比较严肃,但是记住看她的眼睛,,问题问得比较得快,一个跟一个,,不行的就pass or move.. 当时有点紧张,有些问题没有答好,,追悔莫及中~ :( 对面的那个考官gg好帅啊。。异国风味的帅~ gentlman sigh...羡慕了一下,跟对面坐的mm说,你的考官好帅~ 最近很冷,早场的各位多穿一点。。
好了,finish.. 最后说一点,jj除了能看出最近考试的趋势之外基本没有用。。 好好看书咯~
-------------- ※来源: 【社区】.