口语是个很慈祥的老奶奶,眼睛蓝森,现在想起来象谁了——马奎尔。呵呵,她被长春的天气弄得感冒了,连连excuse me,因为醒鼻子 别人的时间都不长,最短的一个大概就5,6分钟,我的interview大概有十五分钟吧,后来我分析是因为我说的比较多,大部分时间都是我在说个不停,她只是在我停下的时候才继续问的。
S1. what's your family name ? where do u live ? describe a school ?
S2: cue card: describe one of your own ways of relaxation? you should say : what 's the relaxation? where does the relaxation take place? how frequent is the relaxation?
S3: 揪住上面的部分死问了,
today ,people at work think there is more stress compared with past,so someone think people have much relaxation time in the past ? do u agree? how do u think exercise could affect stess?(就是问你认为经常锻炼对减轻压力有哪些帮助) 因为我举例时提到了毕业压力,她就问我是否也感觉到了这种压力?
最后, 对奶奶说hope u be alright as soon as possible!愉快的结束了谈话。
经验:想得高分一定要不停的说,但要注意准确;如果不扎实就挑自己熟悉的地方说,否则会被问的很掺,言多必失就是这个道理!如果问题没听清楚只要做个表情,她/他就会再提醒你一遍的。 说她感兴趣的,呵呵。