Ex:What’s your favorite animal?
应该给出完整的句子和更多信息,如:Well, dolphin is my favorite animal. And I think they are very lovely and clever.
3、口头语pause-filler:用well或是um,不要用I think, you know。
Ex1读音: I’am a typical southerner(ou读[∧])。
Ex2重音: interested in重音在前,而interesting重音在中间;communication(前),contact(前), connect(中间),company(前),字母“o”的发音与重音有关。
5、词组问题:Ex: before是时间上的“之前”,而in front of是地点上的“前面”;spend time in doing sth.,spend money on sth.。注意总结固定表达:
“犯…病”,be struck by;
“溺爱”,spoil/dote on…;“用…的话说…”,I quote sb. …;
“遇上…事”,be caught in,Ex: I was caught in a fire/earthquake;
“…心脏病犯了”,sb. is knocked down by (heart attack);
“人工呼吸”,artificial respiration;“救护车”,ambulance;
表达“我不知道该怎么说”,I don’t know what to say而不是I don’t know how to say;
“坚持…”,insist on doing/persist in doing;
“教育系统”,educational system;
“我在找工作”,I ‘m finding/hunting a job;
“我的留学经历”,my experience abroad;
“抑制不住要做…”,can’t resist the temptation to …;
“逐渐的”,gradually/step by step/little by little;
“奥斯卡最佳男主角/女主角/配角”:the Award for Male/Female/Supporting Leading Role;
“黑马”:black horse;“害群之马”:black sheep;“书呆子”,bookworm;
“在奥林匹克运动会上得金牌”:win the gold medal in the Olympic Games;
“跑车”:sports car;“赛车”:race car;
“就在嘴边”:on the tip of my tongue;
“净…”:如 gross time/net time;
“填充玩具”,stuffed animals/dolls;
“电器”,electric appliance…
在回答“relax card”时可以用“physical exercise”;
在回答“help card”时可以用“teacher”;
“letter card”可以用很多其他的card,如“famous people”,“teacher”等等。
7、注意节奏组间的停顿,既断句。Ex: It’s/one of the subjects/that students must learn/at schools。