考官挺和蔼,我也比较放松,第一次考,所以预备好不行就2月份再考一次。考试时我不停的讲,他问我答不留空白,他常常帮我结束话题,所以我很开心他没有穷追不舍的问,要知道我的词汇量还是很有限的!其实我只用了两天准备,看了几页机经的题,然后就自言自语练了练,主要保证能讲出内容和理由。走时他说“thank you, have a nice day"。
Part 1:name ,Where do you come from? Do you like shenzhen? Why?Do you like big city or small city? Why? Do you read newspaper? How often? do you like travel?how often? travel by what?
Part 2: discribe what you learned from another culture - what? why?
Part 3: how do you know culture of other countries? do you ever go aboard? do you think whether one can learn language or culture better in case one have interested in? do you think newspaper will be less important than now? why? how do you think of internet? do you think media will give us faulse information? do you like people visit your home? why? do you have a plan to go aboard? do you like to learn culture in other countries? what country do you know best? how?