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Test 3

When Gutenberg printed his first books he had no intention that they should be portable. They were made, after all, to compete with very weighty and often chainedilluminated manuscripts. The idea that you could walk around with a book did not come until l500 when Aldus Manutius stumbled upon this revolutionaryand liberatingnotion. The first paperlight newspaper(Johann Caroluss The Relation in Strasbourgdid not follow until l609. In the computer world the same revolutionfrom heavy main frame to near weightlessnessis well under way.

Today s portables seem miracles of design and power. But, even as far as they have come, compare them with the ultralight, ultracheap, ultra high quality informationbearing attributes of paper, the only problem is that the information on paper cannot be updated. Imagine a piece of electronic paper which could typeset itself by means of remotely fed data. The key elements of such an entity are already a reality at the Massachusetts Instltute of TechnologysMIT Media Laboratory, enabling the prospect of portable information devices which are essentially weightless and omnipresent. The key breakthrough, which will start to be seen widely in l998, is a new type of ink electronic ink. This magical stuff can be coated on to any surface, but, unlike normal ink, it can be electronically set. It is instantly changeable, erasable and resettable. The ink itself, a polymer material, is not expensive and requires no electronic power to maintain its image. This spells the beginning of the end of the published book. The conventional publishing industry is already dying. Books, magazines and newspapers have reached a plateau of sales in America of about100 billion a year. Sales of fiatpanel displays, the basis of all notebook computers and the superthin screens which are beginning to populate our desktops, are growing rapidly with sales approaching 30 billion, but such screens are still heavy, very expensive and powerhungry. Electronic ink enables the two worlds, conventional publishing on paper and electronic information displays, to be merged.

This radical change coincides happily with another the exponential growth of our ability to store information electronically at a rapidly dwindling cost. The arrival, that is, of compact data storage. Consider this. One book consumes about 1 Mb of data in a conventional, uncompressed form. But squeeze the data into a compact form, and a disk drive the size of a credit card holds 350 books.


1. Who is the first person noted that books could be protable?

______ ______ _______ ______ ______

______ ______ _______ ______ ______.

2. Electronic paper can solve the problem that ______ ______ ______ ______ ____________

______ ______ ______ ______.

3. Prospect of portable information devices refers to ______ ______ ______

______ ____________ ______ ______ ______ ______.

4. What results in the ending of the published book?

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______ ______ ______.

5. According to the 3rd Para, it is inferred that the coventional publish


industry will disappear ______ ______ ______ ______ ____________ ______ ______ ______ ______.






1.【参考答案】Aldus Manutius

【解题技巧】 正确理解句子内容是本题的惟一出路。

【详细解答】 本文问的是谁最早提出书可以便携这一观念。文中第一段第三句话:The idea that you could walk around with a book not come until 1500 when Aldus Manutius stumblednotion,句中,this revolutionaryand liberatingnoti

on,指的即是“they should be protable”因而,Aldus Manutius是最早提出这一观点的人。

2.【参考答案】the information on paper cannot be updated

【解题技巧】 通过比较得出结论是本题的捷径。

【详细解答】文中第二段出现了:Imagine a piece of electronic paper which could

typeset itself of romotely fed data:电子纸可通过遥控数据排版。而在这句话的前面

,是有关纸的评价:the only problem is that the information on paper cannot be u



3.【参考答案】electronic paper

【解题技巧】 通过上下文,找出指代的内容是本题的关键。


下文,在第二段中,只要能发现 a piece of electronic paper,such an entityprotable imformation devices 的逻辑关系,便不难发现,这段话想说明的正是:由于麻省理工学


electronic paper.

4.【参考答案】the breakthrough of electronic ink

【解题技巧】 通过段与段之间承上启下的关键问题找出答案。

【详细解答】 第三段的首句:This spells the beginning of the end of the published book.本题的问话其实就是这句话的变形。由于这句话处于承上启下的位置,那么“this”所指,必然在上面一段出现。第二段中指出:The key breakthrough,is a new type of ink.这就说明,在电子纸实践将随着电子墨水的突破而有所发展,之后,又用了相当的篇幅介绍电子墨水的特性。因此,是电子墨水的突破使电子纸获得实质的进展,而这将导致书籍出版的结束。回答本题时,仍要尽可能运用文中原有的词汇。

5.【参考答案】conventional publishing on paper and electronic information

displays are merged

【解题技巧】 运用段落中已知的信息去推测。





回答这个问题时,也应尽量使用句子的原话:conventional publishing on paper and electronic information displays,to be merged.而稍作变形。


American law regards a partnership as an association

of two or more persons who have agreed to

combine their labour, property, and skill, or some or

all of them, for the purpose of engaging in lawful

business and shared profits and losses between them. 1. ____

The parties forming such an association is known as 2. ____

partners. Partners may create a name and use a real 3. ____

family name or names for a partnership. The agreement

to form a partnership is known as an article of

copartership or partership contract. The importantest 4. ____

provision of the agreement is the one stipulating the

manner of distributing profits.

Any number of persons may contract to forming 5. ____

a partnership, and firms of partners may enter into

partnership with one another. However, most

corporations have not power to enter into partnership 6. ____ 

if such power is expressly given in the corporate charter 7. ____

or article of association. New members may be

admitted into an existed partnership only with the 8. ____

consent of all the partners. The agreement of a partnership

has a definite term of years in general. If no duration

is specified, it is said to be a partnership at

will and can legally terminate at any time by any 9. ____

partners. A partnership can be dissolved or terminated 10. ____

and the terms of the partnership agreement modified

at any time.



【参考译文】 该组织联合几方或全部的劳动,财产或技术,以从事合法的商业活动


【试题分析】 本题辨析分词作定语时的误用。

【详细解答】 句中,engaging in lawful businessshared profits and losses between them,the purpose的定语。engagingshared是并列的,他们的共同的逻辑主语是an

association of two or more persons,在逻辑关系上,都是主动的,而且,share business

本应该是动宾关系,而过去分词shared的误用却改变了这种关系,使shared profits成为一个由过去分词修饰的名词短语:共享的利润。从而使句法混乱,因此,将shared改为sharing


【参考译文】 构成这种组织的各方称为合伙人。

【试题分析】 本题辨析谓语动词单复数的误用。

【详细解答】 本句的主语是The parties,故谓语动词应该用are,在使用时,不要受an



【参考译文】 合伙人可以给合伙企业起一个名字,也可以使用一两个真实的姓名作为合


【试题分析】 本题辨析并列连词的误用。

【详细解答】 表示并列关系常用的连词有两个:即andorand表示“和……”表示兼而有之,or表示“或……”,表示选择。句中的意思是:可以起一个名字,或者可以使用一个或几个真实的姓名。因此,不用and,而该用or.[ZK)]

4.【参考答案】将importantest改为most important

【参考译文】 其中最重要的条款就是对如何分配利润作出的规定。

【试题分析】 本题辨析形容词最高级形式的误用。

【详细解答】 形容词的最高级有两种构成方法,一般情况下,加“est,但多音节词则

most+形容词原形。句中,important属多音节词,正确的最高级形式应为most important

5.【参考答案】将forming改为 form

【参考译文】 形成合伙企业的人数不限。合伙企业之间也可以形成合伙企业。

【试题分析】 本题辨析非谓语动词形式的误用。

【详细解答】 contract动词,意为“签订合同”,后面跟动词不定式作宾语contract

to do sth.。故文中,应为contract to form,而不应为forming.


【参考译文】 然而,除非公司章程明确赋予该公司拥有达成合伙企业的权力,否则大多


【试题分析】 本题辨析否定词词类的误用。

【详细解答】 句中常用的否定词有notnonot为副词,用来修饰动词;no是形容词,



【参考译文】 译文同上句。

【试题分析】 本题辨析连接词的误用。

【详细解答】 全句因if(如果)误用,而失去了逻辑连贯性。应将if 改为unless引导的条件状语从句。


【参考译文】 新合伙人只有得到全体合伙人的同意才能被接纳为合伙人。

【试题分析】 本题辨析作定语时分词的误用。

【详细解答】 分词在作前置定语时,现在分词表示“现在”,过去分词表示“过去”,



9.【参考答案】将terminate改为be terminated

【参考译文】 如果未对此进行规定,则该合伙称为任意合伙,可按合伙人的要求随时予


【试题分析】 本题辨析动词语态的误用。

【详细解答】 本句是一个长句子。can terminate的主语为it,代指agreement,因此,

主语和谓语构成事实上的被动关系。terminate这一主动的用法显然与句法不合,故改为be terminated.


【参考译文】 合伙企业可以随时予以解散。终止修改合伙协议。

【试题分析】 本题辨析名词单复数的误用。

【详细解答】 any在表示“任意”,“任何的”这一含义时,后面可跟不可数或者可数名



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